Cape Cod Biochemical Company and Septic Contractors, Partners Since 1976



It's hard to believe that it's been 30 years since we sold our first bottle of CCLS® to our first pumping customer, right here on Cape Cod. We've been around for a long time, but longevity does not automatically bring success. To find some reasons for success of the CCLS® program, we need look only as far as our files and read what people are saying...

From Reno, Nevada:

"Your CCLS® product is excellent. Please send ordering information, price list, fees."

We referred this retail customer to Scott Patton, our CCLS® dealer in the Reno area.

From Framingham, Massachusetts:

I recently was give a bottle of your CCLS®... I thought it was great for my garbage disposal! No more foul food smells..."

This one was referred to our CCLS®dealer in Framingham.

From McLoth, Kansas:

I have been a user of your product, CCLS® for over 15 years and I have real peace of mind knowing that CCLS® really works."

It's too bad space doesn't allow printing this entire letter. It goes on and on praising CCLS®.

From Westerly, Rhode Island:

"RPE Disposal has recently given me a copy of "What Everyone Should Know About Septic Tank Systems." I was enlightened!!

From Portland, Oregon:

"Back in May of this year, we were unfortunate enough that our leach field line plugged. The serviceman recommended that we shock the drain field with a bacterial ingredient, CCLS®. The last time I inspected the system, all was working and flowing perfectly and the drain field was functioning beautifully."

This satisfied customer uses CCLS® in the home every month. A nice add-on profit for what started as a drain call.

From Blanchard, Oklahoma:

While living in Rogers, Arkansas, we were told about CCLS® for septic tanks and were extremely well pleased after having it about 4 years!!"

"We were able to find a CCLS® dealer in Oklahoma for this happy customer.

From Randolph, New Jersey:

I have been using your CCLS® product for over 1 year now, after my septic service recommended it. I find it works excellently in keeping my pipes clog-free and my septic running smoothly."

You can BUY this kind of goodwill.

From Bend Indiana:

"... your pamphlet. "What Everyone Should Know About Septic Tank Systems," is the finest literature I have seen regarding how the septic works, how it should be maintained, etc. It is invaluable information for a homeowner who has never lived with a septic system before.

From Bullhead City, Arizona

"Several of my apartment complexes are on septic systems, and I have been using CCLS® in their systems with good results. My company purchases purchases sizable quantities of your product on a regular basis, and for reason of cost would prefer to deal directly with the manufacturer..."

Our dealer in Bullhead City continues to reap this profit...We DO NOT compete with our customers.

NOTE: All of these are real, unsolicited letters from real CCLS® users. These are not just quotes that we bought from our dealers for a couple of free cases. These are REAL!!!

If you want your customers to be this happy, the first step is only a toll-free call away 澳门赌场在线.



What Everyone Should Know About Septic Tank Systems

The proper operation of the septic system is essential to public and private health, to property values, and to the environment.

Learn More